One of the five cooks that prepares a meal for 61 children a day Every time we visit we see more and more smiles on the children’s faces The children have started bringing containers to take leftover food back to their families
loveBig’s Feeding Center in Mina has been feeding 61 children one meal a day Monday through Friday. loveBig employs 5 cooks to prepare the food for the children. While our team was in Haiti in September, Pastor Supreme informed them that he has 17 more children on a waiting list for the feeding program. The loveBig team approved to add the 17 children to the program. This would be an increase of $300 per month to add these children. The team agreed to step out on faith and approve the addition of these children. Praise God he is providing the funds! That increases our program to 78 children per day to feed!
We do praise God that he is continuing to provide funds for the feeding center and school! He has been faithful in providing monthly donors and one-time donors as well. If you feel God leading you to become one of the faithful, please go to “Our Kids” page and check out the children in our program that are awaiting a sponsor. The more sponsors we have the more children we can serve!