Every child attending school received their own uniform and backpack Beyond excited to get to go to school! Plenty of supplies thanks to your generous donations
For quite some time, loveBig has been praying about starting a school in Mina. When we gathered all the information on the children in the feeding program, we found out many of the children have never been to school. NEVER. Some of the children are 11 or 12 years old and have never been to school. In Haiti, school is not free. Every school costs money to attend and for so many families who are starving and just trying to feed their children, school is not even an option. After many hours of prayer and waiting on God’s timing, loveBig had some generous donors who paid for teacher salaries for the first year. We at loveBig just stood back in awe and watched God work and provide the funds for teachers, uniforms, supplies and curriculum. loveBig hired four teachers to teach grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. The first day of school was October 1, 2018 with many smiling faces and excitement!
While the team was in Haiti in September, they helped pass out school uniforms, took school supplies and backpacks. A great big thank you to all those who donated school supplies and a special thank you to AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association) for donating all the backpacks.
In Haiti, things are very culturally different. It is a privilege and honor to go to school and all children going to school wear a uniform. It sometimes seems strange to us that their education is not free and all schools require a uniform. The kids were so excited to receive their uniforms and backpacks, smiles were all around. It is very important that loveBig provided uniforms for the children in this school. It is the cultural norm and it will allow ALL children to have clothes to wear to school. Another very important reason is that uniforms are a symbol of value and meaning.
Unfortunately many Haitians in poverty also feel less than others and do not see their true value in being who they were created to be in Christ. It is the mission of loveBig to empower these sweet people to know their creator and their value and meaning is found in Christ alone.
However, many heads lifted, eyes lit up and shoulders were raised when the children put on that uniform. All praise and glory to God for providing generous donors who understand this and partner with us to improve the overall physical and spiritual well being of these precious image bearers of Christ.
“I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14
The sweet people of Mina continue to be appreciative of the generosity of donors who feel God leading them to live out Love God and Love Others. They asked us to thank everyone that has contributed to make this school possible whether by monetary donation or donation of school supplies.
“For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” Ephesians 1:15-16